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SEO in Poland

SEO in Poland - zdjęcie nr 1

seo in poland

You are looking for a destination to expand your business? You want to have a growing customer base and sell more? To achieve all that you need to improve your SEO and when it comes to effective SEO, Poland is a country to choose. Here you will find a team of professionals that will help you grow your brand for a reasonable price. One of the biggest players in the region is Verseo.

Verseo – marketing agency from Poland at your service. As we know the Polish market inside out we can help conquer it and gain more clients. Thanks to our SEO services you will be present on the Polish market but also on any market of your choice. Be visible. Go global with Verseo.

Why should your business go international?

Thanks to technical improvements, expanding a business to serve a global clientele is easier than ever. Companies decide to expand their business to other countries for various motives. Here are some reasons. 

  1. Gaining new customer

One of the most obvious reasons to compete in international markets is enlarging the customer base and as a result gaining new sources of revenue. 

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Zapoznamy się z Twoim biznesem i przygotujemy indywidualną ofertę cenową na optymalny dla Ciebie mix marketingowy. Zupełnie za darmo.

Twoje dane są bezpieczne. Więcej o ochronie danych osobowych

Administratorem Twoich danych osobowych jest Verseo spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością z siedzibą w Poznaniu, przy ul. Węglowej 1/3.

O Verseo

Siedziba Spółki znajduje się w Poznaniu. Spółka jest wpisana do rejestru przedsiębiorców prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy Poznań – Nowe Miasto i Wilda w Poznaniu, Wydział VIII Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego pod numerem KRS: 0000910174, NIP: 7773257986. Możesz skontaktować się z nami listownie na podany wyżej adres lub e-mailem na adres: ochronadanych@verseo.pl

Masz prawo do:

  1. dostępu do swoich danych,
  2. sprostowania swoich danych,
  3. żądania usunięcia danych,
  4. ograniczenia przetwarzania,
  5. wniesienia sprzeciwu co do przetwarzania danych osobowych,
  6. przenoszenia danych osobowych,
  7. cofnięcia zgody.

Jeśli uważasz, że przetwarzamy Twoje dane niezgodnie z wymogami prawnymi masz prawo wnieść skargę do organu nadzorczego – Prezesa Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych.

Twoje dane przetwarzamy w celu:

  1. obsługi Twojego zapytania, na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. b ogólnego rozporządzenia o ochronie danych osobowych (RODO);
  2. marketingowym polegającym na promocji naszych towarów i usług oraz nas samych w związku z udzieloną przez Ciebie zgodą, na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. a RODO;
  3. zabezpieczenia lub dochodzenia ewentualnych roszczeń w związku z naszym uzasadnionym interesem, na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. f. RODO.

Podanie przez Ciebie danych jest dobrowolne. Przy czym, bez ich podania nie będziesz mógł wysłać wiadomości do nas, a my nie będziemy mogli Tobie udzielić odpowiedzieć.

Twoje dane możemy przekazywać zaufanym odbiorcom:

  1. dostawcom narzędzi do: analityki ruchu na stronie, wysyłki informacji marketingowych.
  2. podmiotom zajmującym się hostingiem (przechowywaniem) strony oraz danych osobowych.

Twoje dane będziemy przetwarzać przez czas:

  1. niezbędny do zrealizowania określonego celu, w którym zostały zebrane, a po jego upływie przez okres niezbędny do zabezpieczenia lub dochodzenia ewentualnych roszczeń
  2. w przypadku przetwarzanie danych na podstawie zgody do czasu jej odwołania. Odwołanie przez Ciebie zgody nie wpływa na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania przed wycofaniem zgody.

Nie przetwarzamy danych osobowych w sposób, który wiązałby się z podejmowaniem wyłącznie zautomatyzowanych decyzji co do Twojej osoby. Więcej informacji dotyczących przetwarzania danych osobowych zawarliśmy w Polityce prywatności.

  1. Entering new markets

If a given business has exhausted its local market, it’s time to think about expanding. The new market should be easy to enter, with a demand for a given product or service.

  1. Recruiting new talents

In many cases, international operations can offer companies access to new sources of potential employees. With employees from diverse backgrounds comes a wider range of skills, cultural sensitivity and local knowledge. What’s more diverse cultural perspectives can inspire creativity and drive innovation and productivity.

  1. Outmaneuvering competitors

Companies entering markets where their competitors do not operate yet often have a big advantage, which allows them to build brand awareness among clients before their competitors.

  1. Reducing costs

Thanks to gaining new clients, the demand for your company’s product increases. There is a greater chance of lowering the per-unit manufacturing costs due to mass production.

  1. Investing in new projects

Companies engaged in multinational activities can also benefit from interesting investment opportunities that may not occur in their homeland market. 

  1. Diversifying

There is a certain risk for companies operating in only one country. This risk can be reduced when a business diversifies revenue sources – explores different markets. Companies taking their business international can balance lack of growth in one market by operating successfully in another and as a result make their income more stable.

As you can see, global presence has many assets. Of course, the work put into the process will be challenging. Remember, however, that it is all about effective strategy, market knowledge and persistence. The expansion may bring many benefits that your business will get to take advantage of for years to come.

Why is Poland an interesting market?

Poland – with a population of 38 million people, located in the middle of Europe – is a market with a growing potential. Poland has impressed the world – being the leader of changes in this region for the last 32 years. After the fall of Communism in 1989, Poland became a promising destination for investors not only for the whole of Europe, but also for the world. Many companies decide to do business in Poland because of the attractive consumer market, availability of professional workforce and strategic location.

Online services in Poland

The Main Statistical Office published a report on the Polish information society in 2020. From year to year the situation with the Internet looks better. In 2020, 90.4% of households in the region had access to the Internet. In 2020, Poles used it 81.4% regularly (at least once a week). The number of transactions made via the Internet grows, as the online population increases. It has an enormous impact on ecommerce, which is blooming and growing by the day. Customers find online shopping to be time-saving, price comparison is much easier and there are no crowds or queues.

Let’s have a look on some statistics: 

  • Over 90% of Poles have an access to the Internet;
  • Over 81% of Poles use the Internet regularly;
  • Over 44 thousand online stores are in Poland;
  • About  8% of all retail sales are made online;
  • Over 80% of Poles shop online;
  • In 2020 about 11,000 new e-commerce and online stores were launched in Poland.

In recent years Poland has developed strongly when it comes to the usage of telecommunications and IT services and became one of the fastest growing ecommerce markets in Europe. As the Polish population is getting wealthier, the gap between salaries in Western and Eastern Europe is systematically decreasing. As a consequence, Poles are willing to spend more, and this has an impact on demand. In 2020 Poland broke the record in online purchases with the increase of about 25 percent compared to the year 2019. The rise in importance of e-commerce is constantly drawing the attention of investors from all over the world.

Conquering Polish market

If you want to reach the Polish audience, your business needs to be visible on the Internet. To be visible on the Internet you have to be at the top of Google search results. To be there, you have to improve your SEO. Poland has its own specifics like in the case of every international SEO.  

Some businesses think it’s enough to translate the website into Polish. However, translating the website will not be enough. The problem is that the site might be detached from the Polish reality and it might never feel like a truly local business and as a consequence never gain the consumers’ trust. It is always better to give the website into the hands of a specialist, who knows the Polish market and the customers’ expectations.The same goes for identifying the keyword and phrases – using Google Translate won’t do the trick. The translation might be misleading.

We suggest working with a company that specializes in not only translation, but can also assist you in preparing authentic marketing content and improving SEO. Website positioning is now the basis of the marketing strategies for all companies. If you want to be successful in Poland, you have to intrust professionals who know the market, have knowledge, tools and above all – the strategy to make your business relevant to the Polish audience. Invest in Polish SEO to make the process of reaching the top positions as smooth as possible. 

SEO Poland

Year 1997 – it is when the world heard about Search Engine Optimization – SEO. Poland needed three years to get familiar with the term. Since then its role has been significantly growing. Today, SEO Poland services are as advanced as in most of the developed countries. We can compare Polish agencies to the ones form the westen Europe and the United States. There are many Poland SEO agencies and SEO experts who know how to do their job exceptionally. Therefore, when it comes to SEO, Poland is a destination to choose.

The importance of SEO in Poland is increasing year by year thanks to e-commerce, which has been actively developing in this region. The growth of e-commerce is directly connected with the availability of the Internet. A lot of Poles shop online. There is no sign that this trend is going to stop any time soon as more and more online companies go online everyday. As the competition is growing, so is the need of the businesses to make their brand stand out. To achieve that they need an SEO agency. As a result, Poland registers an increasing demand for content marketing and SEO services. SEO specialists must be innovative in understanding online consumers’ needs and constantly look for new ideas to engage the growing online population. 

How much is SEO in Poland?

When it comes to costs of SEO, Poland can be competitive. However, every website is different and requires an individual approach and a bespoke strategy. Thus, the cost of SEO services varies depending on the client. The final price might depend on the SEO specialist experience, service duration, domain’s history, website’s size and the competitiveness in a given industry.

Meet Verseo

We have discussed the significance of the Polish market and its potential. You know where you should be doing business, now let me introduce the team you should be doing business with. Verseo – your new business partner.

Verseo is one of the leading agencies in Central and Eastern Europe. We have been operating since 2013 and specialize in SEO but also in Google AdWords campaigns. We provide services to all types of companies including online stores with a wide product offer. We are dynamically developing, expanding the range of services provided and as well as the group of satisfied customers. Our team consists of certified specialists in the field of advertising in Google and Google Analytics, certified Google AdWords trainers, graphic designers, programmers and customer assistants. We also work with translators and copywriters.

As Verseo is based in Poland, we have everything that is required to help you conquer the local market. However, due to the fact that we have a lot of clients from different parts of the world, we have gained experience on the other markets as well. So, when it comes to SEO, we can help you enter any market.

SEO with Verseo

SEO is an essential part of any effective marketing strategy. It improves a website’s overall searchability and visibility. A well-positioned website affects the business’s reputation. Investing in SEO services increases your chances of obtaining better rankings and that will have an impact on the credibility of your brand. In addition, SEO is a relatively cheap method of obtaining high-quality traffic on a website. In the field of website positioning, we are one of the largest agencies in the region. Our prominent specialists will take proper care of your website optimization .

What do we offer when it comes to web positioning?

Every website should contain valuable and unique content. We will help you with that. We will provide you with a list of useful guidelines and necessary amendments. First of all, we will prepare a strategy tailored specifically to your business and to the specifics of the market you want to enter. Each strategy is long-term and carefully thought through.

The scope of SEO works depends on many factors, here are some of them: the access we receive from the client, the website’s construction, technology in which it was made, client’s acceptance for the work carried out, etc.

Below, check the scope of our SEO activities:

  • Performing a comprehensive audit of the website.
  • Choosing the most effective keywords for ranking.
  • Monitoring the positions of the selected phrases.
  • Checking backlinks.
  • Removing any filters and penalties that might be imposed on the website.
  • Providing new content in a given language and removing the duplicate content.

List of other activities that we also can do for our client:

  • Implementing the Blog or News section on the website.
  • Sending guidelines on how to create valuable content for the website.
  • Preparing sample entries for the business blog.
  • Proposing solutions in the field of content marketing. 
  • Analysing the competition.
  • Conducting an SEO training.

Benefits of SEO with Verseo

Verseo will gladly take care of your SEO – write to us for a free quote. We will respond as quickly as possible with an offer tailored to your business. This is what you gain while working with us:

  • Experienced team of professionals;
  • SEO strategy tailored to the market specifics and the business need;
  • Use of the best tools;
  • Clear reporting;
  • Dedicated SEO specialist;
  • Communication in English;
  • Transparent, fair and protecting both sides contract.

Now you are positive that Poland is a destination with great potential, where you will find professionals, who will help you take your business to the next level. If you are looking for an agency that will assist your business in entering the Polish market or any other market of your interest for a reasonable price – Poland should be your choice. Because in Poland you have Verseo.

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